Prodigy Game Wiki

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Prodigy Game Wiki

Noot is a helper character in Prodigy. He is currently known as a fairy guide. He goes in your bag and guides you around the island, and usually pops out in quests to warn you about many dangers of the wild pets and the Puppet Master.


Noot resembles a small fairy with pointy wings, a small tail, one tuft of hair, a hat with a bell, and a scarf attached to a small shirt. In previous versions of the game, he appeared as a rabbit with two tails.


Noot owns a Scarecrow-like creature which cannot attack, be caught, or bought, but can be attacked.


  • "Ouch! ... Ah! Another happy ending!"
  • "All finished! Let's head back okay?" (after completing a quest.)
  • "Wow! A new _______! Would you like to put it on?"
  • "Would you like to heal you and your pets" (this quote has been removed ever since the removal of healstones)